Thursday, January 5, 2012

What is Haganah?

Haganah is considered a reality-based self-defense system for worst case scenarios. Consider situations where you are attacked by two people as you're getting into your car in a dark parking lot, or as you turn a corner someone jumps out to mug you. 
This description is copied directly from the Haganah NationalHeadquarters web site:

HaganaH is primarily a mix of Israeli martial arts - called Krav Maga and Hisardut - and Israeli military systems. The approaches are all combat-proven to work in a real life setting against today's types of threats. All are blended together in a unique way so that only the strongest most tactically sound approaches from each system are used. There are no uniforms; no bowing. Only practical, simple to learn material is included. It is innovatively structured, using tactics unique to Haganah and oriented toward maximizing an individual's effectiveness in the minimum timeframe. Haganah represents the best tactics in use by Israeli Special Forces operators, police and other professionals confronted with violence on a daily basis. To this day, Haganah is enhanced by updated tactics flowing out of Israel, and also from information provided by more than 50 programs across America teaching it.

HaganaH teaches effective self-defense strategies to use to respond to the most common and most severe types of attacks. Continuous training of these same techniques reinforces them, so when an attack happens the response is immediate and natural. Practitioner's bodies "know" what to do to protect them. Haganah does not require years of training.”

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