Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feeling worn out today

I’m feeling tired this morning. Last night’s combat fitness class wasn’t exceptionally difficult, I just feel worn out today, like I’m not getting enough to eat or not eating enough of the right stuff. I feel like I’m eating the right stuff and in the right amounts, if anything I think I eat too much most days, but this morning I headed straight to Giant to get bananas and Greek yogurt before going to work. 

I’m craving protein and 7oz of Greek yogurt provides 18 grams of it. Getting enough protein has become a challenge. I don’t eat enough meat. This has to do with my reluctance to eat meat from the supermarket. For the past six months, I’ve been trying to eat only local, grass-fed meat. This approach is difficult for me for two reasons: getting my butt out to the farms, farmer’s markets or Wegman’s to buy it and then having to prepare meals out of it.

Trying to eat local meat eliminates at least 90 percent of the restaurants around me, so getting takeout is pretty tough. Chipotle, the home of the massive burrito, uses grass- or grain-fed meat, but I can only eat so many burritos in a week. There are days when I don’t eat any meat and that’s not doing me much good. I guess I’m either going to have to get serious about getting out and buying the grass- or grain-fed meat and preparing a week’s worth of it in advance, or, I’m going to have say the hell with it and eating anything I want.
 Last night’s class was a full house

There were more than 20 people in combat fitness class last night. There were a lot of new faces, I guess resolution makers finally showed up. Due to the large size, the normal routine had to be modified. The class was split into two groups. One group would stay in the center of the room and do various calisthenics while the other group worked at stations on the circuit. Every 30 seconds the groups would switch places. We did this until we made a full revolution of the circuit. We only had time to go around the circuit once.
After combat fitness, we moved right into Haganah. I’m getting better at a lot of the different moves but I still need to improve my knees. Throwing knees is a huge component of Haganah, they are involved in most of the combatives. I tend to throw my knees too high instead of aiming them to the thighs or groin. And speaking of thighs, my right thigh is sore and tender from absorbing several well-placed knees from my partners.

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