Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The massage roller: bliss in the form of a foam cylinder

In the corner of the FIGHT Center sits a gray, foam cylinder. I always wondered what that thing was for. The other night, Mr. Stuart explained that it’s a massage roller and demonstrated how to use it. As he rolled it back forth beneath his back and hamstrings the look of bliss on his face sold me instantly.
I went out the next day and bought my own. At first I felt dumb for paying 40 bucks for a piece of foam, but within the first few minutes of use it had paid for itself.  
It’s beyond simple to use. Lay the roller on the floor, position the sore part of your body on top of it and roll back and forth. When I first used mine, the feeling was so great that I had my eyes closed and was emitting moans that came from deep in my body. When I opened my eyes, my dog was standing over me, head cocked to the side with her ears up.

The foam roller stimulates blood flow, offers myofascial release and helps break up scar tissue. And it just feels damn good. You can achieve a similar effect by using a ball in the same manner, letting your body weight press into it. My buddy uses a lacrosse ball. If that’s too hard, try a tennis ball.

I was able to use the roller on my horribly sore triceps and I’ve found it beneficial for a hip flexor injury I’ve had since high school.
Go buy one today. Any sports store will have them. Your dog might look at you funny, but your body will thank you.

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