Monday, January 9, 2012

The sound of resolutions breaking

Did you hear that, that cracking sound like a stick being snapped in half? It’s the sound of willpower biting the dust. It’s the sound of resolutions being broken all around you. And the sound you’ll hear after that is silence. That’s the sound of sloth.
A story in England’s Daily Mail says that by today most resolutions have been broken. Don’t be a wuss. Man up!
I’ve been taking a circuit training class for a year now, three times a week. It sucked at first. And by sucked I mean my body felt like I had been dragged behind a horse over a steeple chase course and then left in a water obstacle overnight. Sitting still hurt. Sleeping hurt. The only thing that didn’t hurt was my conscience.

But maybe you need some external motivation to workout. Take a look at Zuzana in this Youtube clip. Let Zuzana be your guiding light to carry you through those dark hours of doubt, those times when you come up with 10 excuses not to workout. Stick with a program and in a few months you’ll be coming up with reasons to workout more.  
I’ve reached that blissful point where the gym takes priority over everything else. Going to the gym is the reward, not the punishment at the end of the day.

As of last week, this is my fitness schedule:  Monday – 1 hour of circuit training, 1 hour of Haganah (self-defense class); Tuesday – 1-hour boxing class; Wednesday - 1 hour of circuit training, 1 hour of Haganah; Thursday – 1-hour kickboxing class; Friday- rest; Saturday - 1 hour of circuit training, 1 hour of Haganah; Sunday – rest.

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