Friday, January 13, 2012

Kickboxing class

I had my second kickboxing class last night. I love this class. Having played soccer from age 6 to 18 imprinted me with the desire to use my legs. Now, instead of balls, I get to kick my friends.
 The class is patterned the same way as the boxing class, you partner up with a person of equivalent size and throw kick and punch combinations for 45 minutes.

We practiced posting last night. This is where you throw a straight punch and instead of immediately retracting it, you keep it stuck in your opponent’s face and then throw a thrust kick to their mid-section.  Keeping your hand in their face – or posting – keeps your opponent focused on your hand and it also blocks his vision so he doesn’t see the thrust kick coming. When fighting, you have to switch up your attack. Attack upstairs (head) and then attack downstairs (lower body).

At 39, I’m usually the second-oldest student in the class. I’m jealous of the young kids in it, not for their conditioning, I’m in better shape than most of them. I’m jealous of the fact that they’re learning this stuff so young. Most of the people in there are in their early twenties, but a few are in high school.

Since it’s Friday, there’s no class today. No combat fitness, no Haganah, no boxing or kickboxing. Which means I should get into the gym and practice on the bags, but taking classes five days a week has me feeling tired in the mornings, and right now the thought of going to the gym is losing out to my thoughts of beer. Maybe I just need more coffee and some heavy metal to get motivated.

Whether I make it to the gym today is up for debate, but I’ll definitely be there first thing tomorrow for 8:30 a.m. combat fitness.

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