Friday, March 9, 2012

Size don't matter

Last night’s kickboxing class was a good one. I finished it feeling better than when I started it, mentally and physically. My knees have been hurting me lately, but somehow kickboxing made them feel better. This is surprising considering the one warm-up exercise that involves my partner trapping my kick and holding my extended leg against his ribcage with one arm while I hop on one leg and throw punches. And the whole time I’m hopping, he’s pulling me and making me move in circles. Go figure. I felt better mentally after class because I was finally able to start incorporating some proper movement into my sparring. Things just clicked.
I got to spar with five people and each one was a different size and one was even left handed. It never ceases to amaze me as to who is good at sparring. Keep in mind that I’m not that great at it, but sparring always proves that size can be insignificant. A guy who stands over 6 foot and looks like he could crush coconuts between his bicep and forearm will simply cover up and go on the defensive the whole time,  but a teenage girl weighing in at 110 pounds will engage with a flurry of punches and kicks to my head. 

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