Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cleared to spar

I might come to regret it if I get my bell rung, but I've been given the green light to do full-on sparring and I'm pretty excited about that. It'll mean getting to the gym on a Friday or Sunday, typically my days off, and finding people around my same weight who also want to spar. The idea behind sparring is you want to go against people better than yourself. That shouldn't be difficult for me.

Last night's boxing class (March 13) was a good one. We spent more time on head movement and punching form. The most memorable thing from last night was the extended "rest" period we had. "Rest" tends to have a different meaning in boxing class than it does in the outside world. "Rest" during boxing class means that in between a round of throwing and blocking punches you get a break by assuming a squat position so your thighs are parrallel to the floor, back straight, butt out and arms extended straight out in front of your chest so they are also parallel to the floor. Then you hold it for a minute. It burns. It really, really burns.

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