Monday, April 9, 2012

We are not full of S#*@

Saturdays rule! We did the Crazy 8 workout on Saturday morning and the few of us who were there definitively answered the question, Are You Fit or Full of S#*@?  Not only did we get to do Crazy 8s, we got to run outside for a warmup. I like that, there's just something cool about running in a group down sidewalks.

The Crazy 8 circuit involves going around the circuit in a ladder down fashion. Eight reps at every station for the first lap, then 7 reps at every station for the second lap and so forth until you're down to one. This means you end up doing 36 reps at each station. With stations like dips and burpee pullups, it becomes a challenge.

Once everyone was down to only one rep, we took a rest, lined up and did the final lap of the circuit one person at time. To make it fun, we were timed. Almost everyone finished at the 35 second mark, except Greg, he finished a few seconds faster because he cheated and skipped a station. Just kidding Greg, don't hurt me.

Easter Sunday

What should have been my day of rest became a day of playing soccer and basketball with my 11-year-old nephews and eating my body weight in deviled eggs.  I try to not even walk up stairs on most Sundays, but yesterday involved much unwanted physical activity. It also involved unwanted questions from my mom. "Is your nose black and blue?" she asked. It is, I replied. "Why is your nose black and blue?" she asked. Because I got punched in the face, I said. "Why do you want to do that fighting stuff? I can't understand it," she said. I shrugged my shoulders, I don't expect a 70-year-old woman to understand such things.

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