Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's not called Häagen-Dazs

People who have never done the type of training that we do at the FIGHT Center have no understanding of it. Even after explaining it in detail, some people seem to think that what we do is humorous or even silly. While we have fun doing it, I assure them that it's no joking matter, and if they like I'd be happy to show them the utter lack of humor involved in the uppercut elbow, or how there's absolutely no punchline to a couple of knees to the thighs.
I guess people have always made light of things they don't understand. So lately I'm hearing this, "Do you have your Haagen-Dazs class tonight?" The first time it was funny and I replied, "Yeah. I'm heading to it now. We're gonna sit around and eat gourmet ice cream." After the third or fourth time of hearing it I imagined myself punching the guy in the liver, and as he lay moaning on the ground ask him if he liked that flavor of ice cream, 'cause if not, I've got plenty more flavors to choose from. There's the always popular Super Chocolate Schlock Out. Peaches 'n Knees. Eye Gouge Fudge Sundae. Butter Pecan Throat Strike. Crushed Ankle Cherry Vanilla ....

The heat is onCome August, yesterday's temperature will almost seem chilly, but it felt pretty damn hot during Monday night's (April 16) combat fitness. Doors closed, no fans on, it was steamy inside the gym and it made the circuit a little harder to do. After a few days of temps in the high 80s my body will acclimate, but that first day of training in heat is always a tough one. Even with a shirt change, I was drenched for Haganah class.

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