Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Warming up. No chit-chat. Consistency

After Saturday's circuit with burpees, Monday's combat fitness (April 2) was toned down. And I was happy for that because a gluttonous Sunday of eating and drinking and more eating had me feeling sluggish at best by the time Monday evening came around.

I made sure I got to the gym well before combat fitness started so I could get really warmed up. I'm finding that my warm up takes longer now. I like to already be sweating when class starts. If I'm not already sweating, it takes me too long to get in my groove. Foam roller, jump rope, some pull-ups and a few minutes hitting the bag and then I feel ready to start combat fitness.

Haganah class
There's a time and place for conversation. Haganah class is not one of them. My first partner last night was more concerned with chatting than he was working the drills. You can't talk and throw knees at the same time.

I've been good about making it to all of my classes. I've missed one in the past three weeks. I'm averaging about 10 hours per week in the gym. That's five days a week. I feel great when I can be that consistent and I need to stick with it because stuff is happening in April that might cause me to miss a few classes. It's been more than a year since I was last tattooed and that's too long in my book. I have an appointment next week to get some work done on my right leg and it might cause me to sit out a couple of days and a camping trip toward the end of the month will mean missing a Saturday. Saturday's are my favorite day in the gym and I don't look forward to missing even one.

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