Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sick and missing class, but learning from DVDs

Well, the last three weeks have been less than ideal for consistent training. For two weeks work kept me from making it to the FIGHT Center 5 days a week and this week I'm sick. I made it to combat fitness and Haganah on Monday, but right after class I could it feel coming on: sore throat, aches, runny nose, general crappy feeling. So I missed Tuesday night boxing, I'll miss combat fitness and Haganah tonight and will most likely miss kick boxing Thursday night. It doesn't matter how good of shape you're in and how well you eat, when it's your time to get sick it's your time to get sick.
Even though I've been feeling lousy the last two days, I have been able to do some training that didn't involve going to class. I've been learning from my Lazy Boy by watching  Haganah DVDs. The first one focused on common street attack scenarios: you get put in a headlock, a guy chokes you from behind, you get grabbed by your lapel and a punch is coming at your face. It's hard to learn the moves solely by watching the DVDs - there is no substitute for having a live partner to practice on - but they do help reinforce moves you already know and moves you're in the process of learning.

The second DVD focussed on surviving ground attacks. Having a fight go to the ground is very undesirable, unless you're excellent grappler. The perspective that Haganah takes on ground fighting is to avoid it. But if it happens, you're taught to end it quickly by inflicting damage and getting back to your back.

OK. Time to gargle with more salt water.

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