Monday, February 27, 2012

I wish I could dance

Saturday was a long day of training. With combat fitness, Haganah and then knife fighting, I was in the gym for 3 ½ hours. This was only my second knife fighting class and it made me realize that I should have taken up dancing when I was a kid. Proper foot movement is really important and I seem to lack the ability to do it. I’ve never had rhythm, so, like most men, I’ve carefully avoided pubic situations where dancing is expected. But now, I have no option other than to reveal myself as completely devoid of rhythm, timing, soul and everything else required for busting a move.
Yesterday I tried to fit my new mouth guard. A mouth guard and a cup are required equipment for a seminar we have on March 4. My new cup fits without any problem; the mouth guard is a different story. It causes me to gag. I followed the instructions on trimming it to prevent the gag reflex, but I guess it’s going to take some time to get used to wearing it. I should be wearing a mouth guard during the boxing and kickboxing classes to get accustomed to breathing while wearing it.

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