Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy B-Day Sir

We were warned that Wednesday's combat fitness class would be challenging. "You're gonna hate it," Mr. Stuart said to us at the end of class on Monday night and pretty much told us how bad it would suck and how hot it was going to be.

It was hot, but the air conditioning was on, it was mild in the gym and combat fitness, while it involved some tough sets, I don't considered it one of the hardest classes I've been through... at least not physically. However, it was tough psychologically. You see, at the beginning of class Mr. Stuart announced that it was his 53rd birthday and then, as is the case in every combat fitness class, he went on to out perform everyone, even 19 and 20 year olds who are in very good shape.

While that can be a bitter pill to swallow - seeing a man twice your age kick your ass - it offers hope to a guy like me who's 39. It offers hope because it says you don't have to get old if you don't want to. It says that fitness can be yours as long as you never stop. It says that even when the muscles and tendons and joints cause you pain and try to limit your performance, experience, will and sheer determination will defeat youth.

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